Textbroker or ProBlogger? And why pick either platform? Chances are you’re reading this article because you’re looking to make a choice between these two platforms. First, congrats because that means you have chosen to move forward with a content marketing strategy.
I am going to do my best to give you a comparative breakdown of both pros and cons of each platform. Before I do, I think it’s necessary to say I have spent thousands of dollars with Textbroker and have had tons of articles written by writers on both platforms.
I want to share my findings with you so you can make the choice of what platform is right for you.
Also Read: 10 Elements Of High-Quality Business Content
Textbroker is a platform that allows thousands of writers to create an article for you based on your specifications. You can determine your article title, the purpose of content, what voice you want it written in, style and tone, formatting, what should and shouldn’t be included, and any resources for the writers to use to research your blog.
They have writers that range from 1 star up to 5 stars. This is a rating Textbroker gives them based on their ability to write and research topics. 5 star writers can charge 7+ cents per word, whereas a 4-star writer is just under 4 cents per word.
This means there may be some spelling mistakes, but they know what they are doing. You can also place orders directly with a writer based on their built-in resume. Lastly, you can also create reoccurring orders that people can write, so you don’t have to go in and order a new blog each time
Pros Of Textbroker
You know what you are paying for.
You know each author is pre-vetted before they write for you.
It is extremely easy to use.
You can post articles quickly and know whoever writes will do a decent job.
You get notified when an article is done.
Payment is simple with their platform.
It’s quick to get started.
You know how much something will cost before you buy it.
You can preselect how many words you would like articles to be.
Cons Of Textbroker
Open orders can be picked up by authors who are not experts in a certain field.
Even with a star rating, the skill level varies from author to author in each tier.
Researching an author you want to work with can take time.
Textbroker takes about 30% of what you spend.
Your first article can take a long time to get picked up because you don’t have a track record.
Sometimes authors do not capture exactly the message you’re trying to convey.
My Experience:
When I first started with Textbroker, I realized it takes a couple of days for authors to accept your article request. This is because you do not have a track record of orders and how much of a pain you’re going to be to deal with.
Shortly after my first article was accepted and written, any additional article was quick to get picked up and have someone write it. I waited about five days for my first article to get accepted. After that, typically, it has been less than 24 hours until authors have picked them up.
I have had some phenomenal articles written on the platform and some articles that have been acceptable but didn’t have the “wow factor” I was hoping for. After about 50 articles that I had written, I’ve found 2-3 writers that I like to now place direct orders to.
The ones I have chosen are up for a challenge with my writing and typically write awesome articles that I am happy to post after I get them.
Overall, my experience has been generally good, and it’s an awesome platform to post an article on that you don’t want to find a writer for. Every article I have received has never been less than good. They might not have all been great or amazing, but they have all been good articles.

ProBlogger is essentially the opposite of Textbroker. With ProBlogger, you must find writers to write for you. You can post on the platform what you are looking for in a writer, and from there, you get applications from writers who want to work for you.
In your job requirements, you can be as specific as you want and ask for requirements or proof to show that the writer knows what they are writing about.
Along with that, because it’s a larger writing pool with thousands of writers, pricing can range from what I have seen as low as 2 cents to as high as 30 cents per word. This varies with skill level, what the writer thinks they’re worth, and experience in a specific topic.
Pros of ProBlogger
You can specify what you want.
The writer pool is diverse.
Price per word is usually negotiable.
Once a writer is found it’s easy to work out an agreement with them.
You can find the perfect writer no matter what.
Cons of ProBlogger:
Finding an author is time-consuming.
Going through applications takes a long time.
People apply who are not qualified.
Cost per word varies drastically.
Skill level can vary a lot.
When you post a job, you may get hundreds of applications.
Paying writers has to be done on PayPal or another third-party platform directly to them.
My Experience On Textbroker vs Problogger:
Let me preface this by saying, I have less experience with ProBlogger. However, I have already hired four writers from there and posted a job opportunity for people to apply. I would say I am familiar with the platform and have learned what to look for in a writer.
My favorite thing about ProBlogger is the opportunity for people to apply. With 300,000+ writers, there is a writer for any and everything you want. When I first posted a job opportunity on there, it was far too vague, and I got an overwhelming number of applications in less than 24 hours (about 100).
On the second day of my featured listing, where my job opportunity shows up first, I changed my application. I made it far narrower and more specific to who I wanted to apply. This slowed the rate of applications drastically, and the quality of applicants rose significantly.
I will be honest. There were still some people who emailed me who didn’t even come close to the requirements, and that’s a pain, but it’s not the worst thing to happen. The large majority had some kind of experience in what I was looking for. In my posting, I asked for 3 links to articles they have written.
Please be aware these writers do not get credit for their work. It’s posted by a company, and the author is changed, so if you do not see their name don’t panic. They know this happens, so you have to take their word for it.
After spending far more time than I would like and reviewing over 300+ applications, I have found about 40 writers that meet my requirements. I’m still testing some of them, but I have hired four so far, one of them being an ABSOLUTE Rockstar. It took me a ton of time to find him and he is 1 of the 40 that I have tested.
I still have to test more and see how other writers are, but I can say for sure he isn’t going anywhere. Overall, it’s a time-consuming process, but you can find some incredible talent on there from various walks of life. It takes patience and perseverance and a bit of money to find the right writer, but that’s applicable to everything in business.
Overall, I Like Both Platforms
As you can see, the pros of Textbroker vs Problogger are rather good. They both do exactly what they say they do, and I’ve received amazing articles written by writers on both ends. They both serve their purpose for what you’re looking for. I would recommend both depending on your requirements. I do genuinely like them both, but they have their own strengths and weaknesses.
There are many cons to both, but that should not deter you from picking one of them.
Both offer things I love and hate about them both, and so far from my findings, there are no perfect solutions. They both serve their purposes for what they do.
If you have time to spend looking for the perfect writer, I would say go with ProBlogger. Especially if you need blogs/articles written time after time. It’s going to yield better results in the long term for you and your company.
If you need one-off articles or a more basic article written in a timely manner, I would say your best option is TextBroker. Everything you get is going to be good or better as long as you order from a 4 or 5 star writer.
It’s great when you’re in a pinch or need something else done, as their templates can range from blog to website copy to social media posts and more. It’s a foolproof way to order, and you can ask them to include just about anything you want.
I hope this post brings clarity to what you’re looking for. If you want to help creating content, please reach out. My team and I are happy to help you either pick or do the leg work for you to get content made on a regular basis.
Also, check out this post all about content marketing.